Hi, I am Dennis Kamprad
Founder of Fit Sapiens and passionate about maximizing health, energy, and performance
One of my big passions has always been self-improvement, which led me to a journey of educating myself though literally reading hundreds of books and papers on improving my health, energy, and fitness – and ultimately my overall performance.
For example, for university, all things cognitive psychology helped to give me a head start and then improved sleep quality to counter a lower than preferred sleep quantity. While working as a consultant, and training for my first marathon, I expanded my focus towards exercise and recovery (which led to a time of 2:51) and integrated nutrition, optimizing my circadian rhythm, and stress management for my first Ironman. An effective habit change management was key for me in implementing any and all change.
Those lifestyle changes had a massive positive impact on my daily energy levels and overall performance while only requiring small adaptations at any given time. And what I’ve seen from sharing my knowledge with friends and family members is that everyone can do it. However, this journey doesn’t happen overnight, it is a gradual step-by-step process.
My mission with Fit Sapiens is to help you on your journey of consistently maximizing your health, energy, and performance.
Fit Sapiens Has Been a Journey Long in the Making
Fit SapiensHas Been a Journey Long in the Making
The Common Thread in My Private Life
The Official Part of the Story
Over well more than a decade now, I have been obsessed with personal development, especially everything connected to health, fitness, performance, and daily energy levels
I have studied literally hundreds of books and papers about all those topics from the leading scientists in their respective fields
I have personally tried the most promising concepts and and stayed with those that had the biggest impact and that can be implemented routinely without disrupting a busy life
I have adapted my lifestyle with input from different cultures from all around the world, while living in Canada, the US, in rural Kenya and China, in India, Colombia, and several European countries
I have also tested the most impactful lifestyle adaptations with great success for an ever increasing group of people, starting with some of my closest friends and family members
I have validated and refined all my key findings with courses from some of the best institutions in the world
(find out more below)
Companies I worked for
Universities I studied at
Organizations I did social projects with
The Common Thread in My Private Life
Over well more than a decade now, I have been obsessed with personal development, especially everything connected to health, fitness, performance, and daily energy levels
I have studied literally hundreds of books and papers about all those topics from the leading scientists in their respective fields
I have personally tried the most promising concepts and and stayed with those that had the biggest impact and that can be implemented routinely without disrupting a busy life
I have adapted my lifestyle with input from different cultures from all around the world, while living in Canada, the US, in rural Kenya and China, in India, Colombia, and several European countries
I have also tested the most impactful lifestyle adaptations with great success for an ever increasing group of people, starting with some of my closest friends and family members
I have validated and refined all my key findings with courses from some of the best institutions in the world
(find out more below)
The Official Part of the Story
Companies I worked for
Universities I studied at
Organizations I Did Social Projects with
Yet My Biggest Step From Expert to Professional
Was Formally Becoming a Student Once Again
Some of my favorite courses:
Sharing Knowledge from the World's Leading Institutions
Is Like Having Scientifically Validated Power
Cultivated Coaching and Facilitating Experience Ready to Be Tailored for You
Great Things Do Happen
When Knowledge Meets Experience
Game-changing and actionable insights,
backed by science & aligned with evolutionary biology
Unlock your full potential and become a Fit Sapiens
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