Use Your Circadian Rhythm to Beat Jet Lag: The Ultimate Guide
Let’s be clear: Jet lag is more than a sleep problem. That’s why its symptoms don’t just disappear after a good night’s sleep. Jet lag is when your body optimizes all your daily functions (your circadian rhythm) based on a “wrong” time that it thinks
How Does Your Circadian Rhythm Change As You Age (And Why?)
You’ve certainly noticed that some things change as you age. Like that you can’t stay up all night long anymore. And maybe also that you don’t mind waking up earlier in the morning. But did you know that it’s not just your sleeping pattern that
What Is a Free-Running Circadian Rhythm (And How Long Is It)
You are probably here because you’ve asked yourself how a “free-running” circadian rhythm fits in the context of your circadian rhythm. Or what the difference between these two is. If so, then you’ve come to the right place. If not, then you’ll still get the
Your Circadian Rhythm: How It Controls Your Daily Life
Ok, so you know that your circadian rhythm plays a key role in your life. But did you also know that it is vital for virtually every function of your body? Or at least for their timing. This is because your circadian rhythm optimizes the
Why Is the Circadian Rhythm So Important for You
There is more to your circadian rhythm than determining when you are awake and when you sleep. Your circadian rhythm plays an important role in regulating all functions of your body. And it optimizes these too. Every single day. At least if you let it
Why Is Blue Light Both Good & Bad for You and Your Sleep
Your body constantly optimizes all your functions based on the time of day. But how does your body know what to do when? It depends on your internal time for that. And to align your not-completely-precise internal time to your external always-twenty-four-hours-long day, it uses
How Long Is Your Circadian Rhythm (Why Not 25h?)
The study of the circadian rhythm (chronobiology) is still developing. And this means that it is also constantly evolving based on the latest research insights. But this also means that a few of the previous findings are now outdated and replaced. And this is also
How to Use Your Circadian Rhythm to Boost Your Immune System
I do not want to tell you that you can boost your immune system above its normal capacity through any quick fix or magic pill (because you can’t). What I want to share with you is the importance of your circadian rhythm for your immune
Can You Change Your Chronotype (And How?)
Thanks to our modern environments, you have already changed your chronotype without knowing it. Why? Because there is one external factor that your chronotype follows. Natural sunlight. But in our modern environments, you are mostly shielded from sunlight. And that changes your chronotype. It makes
Biological Clock vs Circadian Rhythm: What’s the Difference
You might have heard that your biological clock and your circadian rhythm are important for your everyday life. And that there’s a strong connection between those two – but that they are not the same. So, what’s the difference between them? And how are they
Get Your Circadian Rhythm Back on Track: The Ultimate Guide
Your circadian rhythm goes beyond your sleep-wake cycle and influences virtually all aspects of your life and wellbeing. Yet, if you are like most people, then you don’t live aligned with it. Let me highlight the four main problems that prevent you from living aligned
How Many Circadian Rhythms Do We Have (Yes, More Than One)
You feel best when your circadian rhythms are aligned amongst each other and with your external day. And the first step to getting there is to know how many circadian rhythms you have. And also, which are the most important ones for you. This is
Your Circadian Rhythm Impacts Your Mood More Than You Think
You might already know that you have a circadian rhythm that is crucial for your health, fitness, productivity, and virtually everything else. But what you might not have known yet is the connection between your circadian rhythm and your mood. Or better that what influences
What Are Chronotypes and How to Find out Yours
Your chronotype defines how much sleep you are able to get during the week and on weekends. I am, for example, a rather late chronotype. That means that any alarm clock in the morning would limit my sleep duration. And if I was (or you
When Is the Best Time to Eat – Based on Your Circadian Rhythm
Most of the eating and dietary advice tries to answer what or how much to eat. But did you know that when you eat has massive health benefits for you too? And that it can overcome a great many of the limitations of the other
What Is the Circadian Rhythm and Why Do We Have One
Your circadian rhythm regulates all aspects of your life. And this is not just the case for you, but for virtually all living organisms in the world. Let’s have a look at what the circadian rhythm is and why you have one in the first
What Are Zeitgebers and Which Are The Most Important Ones for You
You are influenced by zeitgebers every single day. And if you know what zeitgebers are and how they impact you, then you can also use them to your advantage. Unfortunately, though, the default in our modern environments is that zeitgebers are not working to your
What Is Social Jet Lag and How to Overcome It
During the week, you try to go to bed early enough so that you feel more or less refreshed the next day when your alarm clock rings and you have to get up. But on the weekends, you can go to bed when you want
How Long Does It Take to Adjust & Fix Your Circadian Rhythm
Ok, the general answer to how long it takes to fix your circadian rhythm is: It depends. And I will show you what it depends on and how long it will take you in your individual situation. The biggest factor is whether you want to
How Does Your Circadian Rhythm Work: All You Need to Know
To know how your circadian rhythm works enables you to take a great step towards living aligned with it. In this article, I will outline how light is the main external factor that impacts your circadian rhythm. How your body interprets the light signals it
Which Three Environmental Cues Entrain Your Circadian Rhythm
Environmental cues impact your circadian rhythm every single day. And that’s a good thing because your circadian rhythm uses these to align to your external day. Unfortunately, our modern environments have changed their influence in a way that they may weaken or even disrupt your
When Is The Best Time to Exercise – Based on Your Circadian Rhythm
Did you know that not only your body is going through a daily rhythm, but all your body functions do so too? These body functions, such as your muscle tissues, hormones, or core body temperature are key factors for your exercise performance and success. Some